Anxiety Warriors



Make an enquiry and we'll be in touch.

Safe and secure environment

Gain knowledge about your own triggers

Develop tools to take back control

Discover your unique strengths

Do you suffer from anxiety?

Anxiety Warriors is a 6 week one hour support program delivered in an online group setting for participants who suffer from anxiety.

The course is designed for individuals to gain support and normalise their own experiences whilst learning strategies to manage their anxiety.

Next program: dates TBA

This 6 week program is a must for those suffering with anxiety.

What's in it for you?

Come and chat with a like minded, safe and secure lady tribe!
  • Learn about that tricky brain and how it loops around anxiety
  • Gain some knowledge about your own triggers and blocks
  • Develop tools that will help you take back control from anxiety
  • Discover your unique strengths whilst challenging your negative beliefs about yourself
  • Learn some emotional regulation strategies and mindfulness tools.

Workshop 1

Grab a cuppa - meet and greet time, have a chat and enjoy your first mindfulness experience.

Workshop 2

Education anxiety - learn about the worry loop and the mind traps that come with it
and how to manage the tricky brain.

Workshop 3

Emotional regulation strategies - learn more about the benefits of mindfulness and
the important breathing and muscle relaxation meditation techniques.

Workshop 4

Discover your own values and positive and negative core beliefs and how they impact
your life.

Workshop 5

Build on previous workshop and expand your knowledge and tool bag for monitoring
and challenging anxiety.

Workshop 6

Overview what has been learnt and self reflection as a group collective. Well done
Anxiety Warriors!

Eligibility and costs

This program is funded by the Connect to Wellbeing program and those that are eligible to access this funding can attend these workshops for FREE!

For other referral pathways please contact us to discuss further.

There are 10 places available per program.

Download required to join: 'Zoom'

To participate online, all you need is an electronic device that has sound and video capability, then download the app 'Zoom' (free app) which we will use to host the workshops.
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